

Enviroplat is a persuasive game for Gen-Z to combat climate change


The aim is to design a serious game that persuades people to be more active in terms of combatting climate change. Also, to educate people on how to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Project Type

Game Design


Assignment for Human-Computer Interaction MSc.


Feb. 2020 - Apr. 2020


  • How do you design a game that has the right balance of fun and persuasiveness at the same time?

  • What type of persuasive elements can be added to the game?

  • What sort of UI elements would I need for the game?

The Process

1. Preparation

Review literature

To be immersed in the creation of the game, I have read different literature insights into what makes a good persuasive game. What I have learnt is that certain content such as visuals and text can contribute to the persuasiveness of the game.

Experience playing a persuasive game

The persuasive game I found and reviewed was Deep Blue Dump. I got a better understanding of the type of emotions a player can experience when playing a persuasive game. Additionally, this game had inspired me when designing the game.

Based on the De La Hera’s model, I have identified that Deep Blue Dump has different persuasive elements including sound, linguistic, narrative and Affective dimensions.

The game is developed by Stories Studios and can be played via IOS and Android devices. Deep Blue Dump is about a turtle that has recently been hatched and is on their first voyage in the ocean. The player is a guardian spirit and must safely guard the turtle on this journey from plastic trash. This is done by pushing the trash away with swiping. Whilst this is happening, the player is learning facts about how the ocean is being polluted, gaining knowledge about cleaning the ocean and how to mitigate pollution usage.

User Interview

Four participants were interviewed to understand which game idea they preferred and to then be designed further. The collected data from the user interviews was then analysed.

Overall, the participants had a preference of Enviroplat over the other games ideas.

  • They found Enviroplat immersive, playful and informative.

  • Despite Natural Disaster VR and Animal Disaster having an educational element, the participants mentioned that these ideas have complicated components which can be distracting thus impact the persuasiveness and the learning aspect of the game.

💡 Based on the interviews, I decided to design Enviroplat because the concept is playful, has a great storyline and it meets all of the main aims as described earlier.

Treatment Document

I have then created a Treatment document which presents the game idea further. Essentially, it describes the overview of the game and the persuasive elements of the game.

The main persuasive element Enviroplat includes:

  • Linguistic persuasion - players are informed about the objects that have been collected and how to mitigate the impacts of climate change

  • Sound persuasion - different background music for each game level to understand the type of environment they are in,

  • Narrative persuasion - the background story is provided to the player at the beginning of the game which sets the scene,

  • Affective Persuasion - the different emotions a player can experience from collecting the objects and the effect the environment.


I have created several sketches based on the treatment document to help with visualising the type of sort of assets that can be included in the game such as objects, characters etc.

2. Ideate

Target Audience -

Generation Z

After playing the game and thinking about who I would create this game for, I have decided that the target audience for this game is Generation Z (1997-onwards).

A recent survey about the current attitudes of Generation Z found that there’s “dramatic disconnect between what this generation thinks and feels and how older generations feel about them”. This suggests that Generation Z has different priorities.

Generation Z Attitudes

  • From our current understanding belief of Generation Z, they are technology savvy, independent, competitive, open minded etc.

  • 68% of Generation Z males say that gaming is important part of their identity. This encapsulates how climate change can be combated through social engagement. The general attitude towards climate change is that they fear of sustainability and climate change.


As I have decided that the game will be designed for Generation Z, I have then brainstormed three game ideas to have a better understanding of which game can be designed further. Also, having the opportunity to incorporate the different elements from the other game ideas into the final design of the game.

The three-game ideas include:

  1. Enviroplat is a platformer game where the player ‘Bella’, has to collect harmful objects for the environment

  2. Natural Disaster VR is a VR game where the player experiences a natural disaster, and the player would decide what to do in a certain situation

  3. Animal Disaster is a platformer gamer where the player has to reunite a lion with their pride after the occurrence of a natural disaster.

3. Design

Physical Prototype

I have created a physical prototype using one A4 foamboard. The physical prototype consists of platforms, characters (the main character, enemy), objects (water bottle, six- pack rings), facts and mitigations about using these objects.

The reasons for creating a physical prototype are because (1) easy to make (2) a physical prototype can mimic how the game is played (3) used for formative feedback.

The physical prototype was then shared amongst 10 peers for formative feedback. The results of the formative feedback include the following:

  • The game instructions were complete

  • Terms of the quality, complexity and size of the game, the majority of the game has been designed, appropriately ambitious however there should be more persuasive elements

  • There is a good to high chance that the game is persuasive

Digital prototype

Based on the physical prototype, a digital prototype was created using GameSalad. Due to time constraints, I have only created one iteration of the digital prototype.

4. Testing


Playtesting was conducted on the digital prototype with six participants (three male & three female) via Zoom to get user feedback. The participant was given 10 minutes to play the game, this was followed by a short discussion about the game.

  • Participants found the game to be very enjoyable, fun and persuasive game.

  • Dialogue at the beginning of the game was well received and have mentioned that it has set the scene about the current situation of climate change.

  • Participants found the information provided about combating climate change very informative.

Here is what one of the participants have said about Enviroplat:

"This information actually persuasive to me, because you have this information plus the level, when you combine them together, you have actually made into something that’s quite fun, so yeah, I think it’s pretty good. I think it would persuade people".

Impact on Society

This was an assignment for my MSc. I feel like people in general are knowing more about climate change and the impacts of it. So people are trying to help the environment as best as they can for example taking reusable bags rather than using plastic bags for grocery shopping.

Learning & Reflection

  • Always be open to an idea and never puts someone’s else’s idea down.

  • Try out other products for inspiration.

  • Group of bad ideas can become a really good idea.

  • Sketching is a powerful tool to get your ideas across.

  • Try and involve users early as possible in the project.