Risidio Marketplace (Web 3)

About Risidio Marketplace

Online Marketplace for individuals to buy, sell, trade and auction digital items


The aim of this project was to improve the user experience of Risidio Marketplace and to also include an online auction functionality.

Project Type

Interface Design


User Experience Designer, participate in and lead most design session. Team members include: Celine (Design Lead), Marco and myself.


Oct. 2021 - Dec. 2021


  • In what direction should we start to improve the Risidio Marketplace since it was last designed

  • How can we integrate this auction functionality in a way which is user friendly and do not interfere or disrupt the other functionalities on the site

The Process

1. Define

Review and Critique of Marketplace

Risidio Marketplace has not been worked on for several months due to the Risidio's priority.

As this product needs to be launched in December, myself and the team decided to critique the designs of the marketplace to understand the problems and what possible changes can be made to marketplace.

Understanding about online auctions

As we needed to include an online auction functionality to the marketplace, we were not particularly sure what this may consist of and no one had prior experience in designing online marketplaces.

Using Miro, background research was conducted in the form of a brainstorm with my peers which highlights some information about auctions (what an auction is, other competitors, auction functionality, what information might be included in the auction and other things to think about).

This has helped with understanding more about auctions, designing the marketplace and other digital artefacts such as personas, user journey maps and to generally move on from the project.

2. Ideate

User Personas

I have created five user personas using Theydo to understand who the target audience of Risidio marketplace might be to ensure we are building successful product. These personas were backed by my observations since I have been working in this internship (meetings etc) and also from reading different articles about NFT's. I would say that these are real representation of who might be using Risidio Marketplace.

The five personas include: (1) Investor, (2) Company representative, (3) Crypto Enthusiast, (4) Charity Fundraiser, (5) Digital Artist.

User Journey Maps

Based on the user personas, user journey maps were also created using Theydo to understand how the users may interact with the Risidio Marketplace from the start, right till the the end.

The reason for creating the user journey map is to find out if there are any design opportunities for when designing the marketplace and also to have a visual representation of how the users will interact with the marketplace.

Site Map

Site map was created to get a better understanding of the information architecture of the Risidio Marketplace. Also, it would help us for when designing the wireframes in the sense that we would be able to track which designs have been made and which have not.

Lo-fi Prototypes

Based on the previous design methods and the critique of the marketplace, a Lo-fi prototype of created using Miro to give an overview of how the interfaces may be designed.

This was a very quick and dirty approach to get designs fast without spending too much time figuring out every little detail.

For the Lo-fi prototype I have created below, I was trying to figure out a way for users to add their NFT's into a collection.

Hi-fi Prototype

Based on the Lo-fi prototype, Hi-fi prototypes were created on Adobe XD. These prototypes were clickable and have much greater detail than the Lo-fi prototypes and the user can interact with them. Also, these prototypes would then be used for user testing.

User Testing

User testing has been carried out with five users. The aim is to test all of the functionalities of the Risidio Marketplace to see what other changes can be made to the product. For example, whether the user can login onto the site or able to upload their item on the marketplace, and if they can either sell or auction their product.

My main role in testing would be to oversee how the the testing would be carried out and to provide any guidance along the way.

After completing the user test, I have analysed the data and identified several findings to improve Risidio Marketplace.

There were five overarching main changes to the Risido Marketplace (Please see Affinity Diagram for more detail). These include:

  1. Understanding/ Educating the user - some the information provided on the marketplace is unclear or missing

  2. Functionality - Some of the features in Risidio Marketplace can be added and be improved further to enhance the user experience

  3. Wallet - Users had misunderstanding about about the digital wallet and needed to know more about it

  4. Content Writing - some of the content have confused the users and have to be changed to make it clearer

  5. Design - to ensure that all of the user interface elements are consistent

Future Developments

This is an ongoing project, as we iterate on the Risidio Marketplace more functionalities would be added along the way.

Impact to Society

There are different reasons why this digital product would impact to society.

  1. It is a new stream of income for artists or other creatives to sell or auction their artwork

  2. Organisations such as charities can use this platform to help raise money for their intended purpose

  3. New exciting space and easy way to get into NFT

Lessons Learnt

  • When designing for digital, there will be ongoing difficulties however by starting somewhere small for example a brainstorm this can help you overcome them

  • Being aware that your work is good quality is acceptable however by asking for peer feedback, you would learn something new and would think differently